This is often said and deeply felt that increasing employee’s productivity
may result in good growth of company but it is difficult to make it happen. Here
I have tried to state 7 points which help in increasing your employee productivity.
This is often said and deeply felt that increasing employee’s productivity
may result in good growth of company but it is difficult to make it happen. Here
I have tried to state 7 points which help in increasing your employee productivity.
1.Give monetary incentive (Bonus): This is a motivation to almost
all the employees as this shows that their efforts are bringing results and when
you provide them with a bonus it looks that you are granting respect and of course,
monetary gains are important for each individual.
2.Understanding holiday schedule: This is very crucial that you
understand the pattern of holidays schedule for your employees and how much they
actually need them, to remain motivated enough to show productivity. For this, you
need to understand the travelling time measured, for them to go home on festivals
or other occasions. Sometimes, it is just that the employee needs one day off from
work due to tiredness, over-time, etc. which should be granted.
3.Proper feedback at correct time: Providing genuine feedback to
the employee sometimes becomes most important recipe for increasing quality of productivity.
The feedback might be regarding his work performance, behaviour, general rules and
other organizational things which he, unknowingly, is not performing up to the mark
and unless & until you do not provide the honest feedback it will be very difficult
for him to realize and correct the issues.
4.Don’t think personal: Too much personal considerations
and concerns about employee always reduces productivity as this will not allow you
to focus on level of productivity, rather, you will be extra involved in his personal
life, personal expectations and many more things. Try not to carried away by emotions and harm the quantity or quality of work.
5.Respect them as a person: Don’t just consider them as a
work machine or just a resource; they require respect, attention, authority and
other non-professional terms and if you are able to provide these small things,
the productivity will show an upward trend.
6.Keep competitive structure: Being competitive gives you strength
and courage to work hard and achieve things in life. Same goes in organizational
structure; if employees are motivated and have healthy competition among them, they
will strive hard to achieve targets and thus increases productivity.
7.Provide resources they need: Providing favourable resources for
work is tested way of increasing employees’ productivity. Need of resources
can be different for different profile of employees like for a computer engineer,
a good configured system and internet is a resource, for a marketing person, leads,
marketing material like brochure, pamphlets, medium to travel at prospect’s
site may be considerable resource. Plan and observe the right amount & quality
of resource that is invincible for higher productivity
Having said that, it is clear that managers have all onus of getting things done
from their sub-ordinates in the best possible manner. There understanding and action
plans provide the right growth path to the company.
To help in increasing the productivity of your HR manager, you can provide them
with a software tool that would easily manage employee's details and documents.
You can download & install HR Cube which is our HRIS software and realize the difference in productivity.