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Why Business World Needs HR Professionals?

Many are still wondering over the question because it is not the department of professionals which provides any direct revenue and therefore it is always looked upon with doubtful eyes, in the time of business crisis. Even the work performed by them is considered to be extra and is like, because it is a post, then something has to be given to them. So they have been given task to manage other employees’ record. But that is not at all correct. It is not the position which generates work necessity, it is the demand of work that created the position.

On this positive note, let us begin with exploring the importance of HR professionals.

How we picture them?

If I state personally, I always pictured them as smart people who know how to carry themselves in front of rest of the world they are part of. They have confidence, courtesy, intelligence, positive attitude, skills and patience. So many attributes which are needed for a business at some point of time.

All the qualities that an HR must possess directly relates to the nature of his job at workplace. This is how these qualities can be realized :

  • Confidence – The personality trait is important to overshadow the world and people that confronts you. This sends positive signals around and others are willing to invest their time, resources and most importantly part of their business life with you ( and hence with your company).

  • Courtesy – Politeness is loved by all. The polite and hearty greetings can made one’s day. It ensures that even the bitter facts and dealings will be tackled in dignified manner.

  • Intelligence – Apart from what is obvious, it is very important to make use of common-sense, specially when you know that world out there is full of people who does not compliment you in respect to your positive traits. From business point-of-view, it becomes even more important for HR professional to analyze every new situation and act accordingly. Even if it seems, the present situation resembles the last one that occurred, still the intelligence quotient needs to be applied to avoid things from going bad.

  • Positive Attitude – This trait is important for company or organization; more than anything else. The attitude that the problems can be solved, we have intention to get the company out of trouble and so on, is very much needed at the time of crisis. The morale boost even led the Hannibal won the battle of Cannae in spite of having almost 50% lesser army than that of Romans. While Romans were advancing to meet Hannibal, General Gisgo from Hannibals army, exclaimed, “Oh! We have to meet such a huge army”. To this Hannibal positively remarked , “Yes. But you have not noticed one thing, in that Huge army, there is not a single man named Gisgo”. 

  • Skills – When one is at job, it is mainly due to the skills that he carries for the position. And the skillful person saves much of the training time and starts being productive from the moment he joins.  It is these personal skills which often complements the use of other resources within and outside the company.

  • Patience – This is the most extraordinary personality trait that HR personnel must possess. This is required at organization when other employees are depressed or are in some trouble and want someone by their side who patiently lends her ear to all issues with every perspective. In fact, the major role of HR personnel gets highlighted at the time of employee grievances.

All the above points were mentioned to understand the worth of HR professional in any organization. These points assert that the main reason is to have positive flow of energy within the organization as well as have a successful impact on external business clients. 

Indirect Benefit of HR Professionals

Business success can be largely measured in terms of company’s revenue and profit. As mentioned earlier, HR department does not provide any visible revenue or monetary benefits, as does the sales department, but they have equal contribution in the generated revenue. Let us see how.

  • Proper organization of company’s documents : The HR people works continuously with documents that are relevant for the business like appointment letter, job applications, bills, invoices, contracts, etc. The proper organization of these documents removes maximum of the worries of higher management or business owner as now they just have to spend the time in strategizing the things, rather than organizing them.

  • Grievance Handling : Humans are considered to be most delicate resource for an organization as unlike other lifeless resources, they have IQ, feelings, understanding, culture and sentiments. It often happens at workplace that there occur some differences at personal or professional front. This may seem natural, but it greatly affects the workplace environment along with diminishing the productivity of employees. The time and patience spent by HR in resolving these matters directly helps in keeping the productivity intact and hence the revenue for the company concerned.

  • Day-to-day operations of business : This includes functions like generation of pay-slip, calculation of leaves, maintaining records of perks & privileges offered to employees, the recruitment documents, preparing letter of relieving/appointment/appraisal, and many more such business tasks. All these work are measure in terms of quantity as well as quality. These documents become the source of input when management takes decision over employee development. With this, they can aptly make policies which are in direct way benefits employee as well as company.

  • One-ear for all queries : Most importantly, HR professional is one role in the company who is responsible for maximum of queries that arises during the course of business execution. Person in doubt clearly knows whom to approach. This defines proper working channel in the company; thus everyone can be made responsible for performing their designated tasks.

This role carries a lot of responsibility. Every business can be complemented by HR professional in many aspects. 

Let us know if you have anything to say on this topic. Feel free to comment below.

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Ankit Mathur

"A dedicated content writer, with a strong emotional intelligence."

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