There is almost all kind of projects which can be managed efficiently by Project
Café, whether it is a large or small project. This flexibility can be realized since
Project Café manages Human Resource, Equipment, Material and Expenses at task level
which allow project managers to efficiently manage each task and helps them in bringing
out the performance from almost any type of project.
Project Management revolves around 3 Basic things-
Surprisingly, all projects concerns with above listed components only, whether it’s
a construction project, software project or research project. Hence, Project Café
lets you manage all these things efficiently in connection with of each other for
projects of almost all domains.
Let’s take an example of a construction project and see how Project Café can help
you in managing it. Say, in building a House you need materials like bricks, cement,
sand and some other. You can very well define the quantity needed and quantity available
to you for the project, along with the cost which will help project manager to realize
the actual cost of material needed. It saves details about labor working hours along
with their cost, so project manager can easily identify the total Human Resource
consumption on the particular task, and compare it to the budget of that task to
see if it is profitable or in critical scenario.
Software and research projects can also be handled well with Project Café as software
comes with features like handling the Employee hourly rate, overtime rate, free
resources and available resources and other similar information which are specific
to software and research industry.
The ability to add different kind of resources by user at his level according to
his industry and budget makes Project Café a flexible solution for all kind of projects.
The reporting and graphical pattern in the software makes it an informative software
for the project manager and ease of navigation through its easily accessible dashboard.
Moreover, the best feature is, it is free to try.