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Top 5 Mistakes that HR Manager Makes

HR department is most complicated as compared to other as it does not have surety of defined rules of job to be performed correctly and it has to deal with humans who behave differently in same situations due to lot of reasons like emotional quotient, intelligent quotient, influence of others and many other things. Here we will talk about 5 mistakes which HR managers make unnoticed.

1.Balancing the intensity of friendship:  This is the important and critical factor of concern if we need to manage employees correctly.  There is a thin line of being friendly, which is often crossed by HR without even noticing it and realizing its extent of damage. Sometimes over friendliness takes away the liberty to speak correct things or make it notice to the person concern, and as friendship becomes intense it starts becoming difficult for HR mangers to tell the professional rules to a friend and when HR manager tries to follow rules of business it makes the “friend” employee angry and nervous as they were not expecting it from their friend who also happens to be an HR of the same company. This clearly implies that HR manager should himself define the boundary between friendship and professionals.

2.Not clear about the job role and profile for candidate: At the time of hiring, sometimes, HR are not able to clearly convey the job roles and responsibilities (Job Profile) to the prospective employee, which can have negative effect when an employee joins the organization; the major issue is expectations of employer will not match the reality and employee is not mentally prepared for the job. HR has to be very precise about the job profile and nature of the job for newly selected employee. It is much needed for productivity, from employee as well as employer’s side.

3.Acquiring wrong talent: Judging anybody in a short span of interview time of few hours which is often based on some pre-defined rules and tests often goes wrong. Sometimes people are not able to clearly express themselves and sometimes HR manager is not able to identify the correct talent. The process also becomes more difficult since it is not only talent or technical skills which are important but HR also has to see if he can gel with the existing team and the organization culture or not, as this environmental clash will directly affect the performance of employee, thus, negatively affecting the performance of the company as well.

4. Not improving employee quality: Building talent in the organization is the responsibility of the HR as the department, and usually management, is too much involved in taking the productivity from employees that they forgot to initiate trainings which might be required by employee, and so does the HR, which can result in de-motivation of amongst employee and leads to higher iteration rate. What results is loosing of good talent from the organization. 

5.Takes too much time to react towards unwanted: Sometimes it happens that employees are doing things wrongly and HR wait for people to understand it themselves and correct them, but if employee is not correcting itself or taking too much time to realize the mistake, then quick fixes have to be made. Otherwise it will become difficult for HR to handle the situation since this will soon become a trend and daily habit for the employee to do the wrong thing and he can start justifying his act since nobody complains. Telling things too late will only bring bad name to HR and create a feeling of stress within the organization. This can also spoil the other employees by sending across wrong message.

These were the 5 mistakes HR makes unconsciously and if not told, can go unrealized. I will be happy to grow the list from your suggestions and real time experiences. To help, our HR Cube provides you feature of recording grievances of employees. Download and install it.

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Ankit Mathur

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