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Small Business Software- Myths and Realities

The invention of computer and its increasing need led to the progression of software market. It was a primitive time when computer were on the table of the expert programmers and computer designers. From my decades, computer has become a utility tool of almost all tables. When it was for only experts, they can control them even at the chip or wire or diode level. But when it is to be used by all, the need of some common interface tool was felt. This led to the advent of software.

Software, if we go in its technical sense, is a combination of some computer understandable program codes, contains user-centric and friendly interfaces, documentation, manuals and installation files. This package is made with intention to provide helping hand to the targeted user, in its nature of job. So if a person buys a software, what he is actually looking for is the function that solves his job issue.

Software for small business Using software is directly linked with automating the work. It is always believed that working with computer and software, will automate maximum of daily or occasional work. This is true though, but to some limited extend. We are particularly taking business software category into the consideration to prove some myth about their usage and implementation and will surely show you the real scenario.

Myth No.1 : Business is a science and thus no software can fulfill the principles.

Reality  : Every domain in this world is science because science says that all what is happening has some definite actions and their counter-reactions. But, to let that action happen and interpret the counter-reaction is surely an art. Business also falls under this reality. We all accept that recruitment is a process guided by certain set of rules (exhibiting the quality of being science) and it also demands some clever interpretations and decisions before making selection, thus making it an art. So when the function is in scientific phase, the software helps you to collect and record data, software can also present the information in a format which is easy to be analyzed, etc. Hence this abolishes the myth that when business is considered as science, no software can be used.

Myth No.2 : Multitasking software are best suited for small businesses.

Reality :  Though we are not denying this statement completely, but our experience speaks. Small business has many challenges in financial and stability front. When it seems that software can be used by the company to ease and handle the functions of business, a multitasking software cannot be a good option.  Such software has endless functionalities and 80% of the features are not used by smaller business. The user then struggles for exploring and using the software.
Instead, the business should go for reverse approach. They should choose the software which is dedicatedly built for a certain function, like inventory management system that only and only handles recording of in and out transaction of inventory in a feasibly aligned manner.

Myth No.3 : Traditional & Popular software should be chosen

Reality : Reliability is one of the major factor which people consider while making any purchases. The word-of-mouth guides the popularity of many products. Same is true for software as well. No one can deny the fact that client list is an important criteria to look for while choosing any software for your business. But there is another side of the coin too. Every business has its own challenges, scope, vision and manpower.  It is a proven fact that one technique of management does not work well for multiple businesses. The manager at one organization proves more effective while given a full-fledged project management software while on other hand, manager at another organization seems baffled in using complex project management software and works with equal efficiency as of earlier manager when works on small and simple project management software. Similarly there are other factors too like budget, acceptability, productivity, etc. It is all about company’s resources and environment which decides whether to go for popular software just to be in-line with popular client list or go for relevant software for the business.
Hope these reality helped you to consider do’s and dont’s  while choosing software for your business, specially when the business is small scaled and is on growth path.

In conclusion, the idea behind this write-up is to help one to analyze their business demands for implementing software and one should not get influenced by above discussed myths.

Before using any of our windows-based software,read benefits of our small business software which would help you to decide whether these software will act like helping tools for your business.

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Ankit Mathur

"A dedicated content writer, with a strong emotional intelligence."

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