Wish to connect to a Server via Remote Desktop Access? The process is simple if you have a few things in place:
1. A VPN (Virtual Private Network) connection in case of using an off-site desktop or alternatively an off-site server. Virtual Private Network creates a guest system (within the publicly used off-site cloud) which further connects to the server’s cloud for safe connection.
2. A RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) installed in your Windows operating system or if you have Windows 10, it already comes with the Remote Desktop Protocol feature. Remote Desktop Protocol is a feature that allows one software system to connect to another in cloud. RDP is needed on every case, irrespective of the fact if the system is off-site or on-site.
With these two installed, any desktop can seek access to their server. There is one more requirement though: the most obvious one, an internet connection for both, the server that needs to be accessed and the remote desktop that will run RDP.
The connection can be commonly shared by the server and desktop in which case, a simple DRP step will establish the thread. For an off-site server or system, the two just have their independent connections while the system will need a VPN as an extra step before running RDP. If the system does not already have these programs, it can be easily installed from online by a remote desktop user.
If the desktop and server which are going to establish connection fulfill the above prerequisites, then it is time to create access.
1. In case of offsite location, open Virtual Private Network.
2. In the bottom right corner, click ‘Connect’
3. If there isn’t Remote Desktop Protocol software, install one.
4. If both the server and system are connected to the same internet, this will be the first step: enable RDP.Supported by many service providers.
To do so in a Windows 7, look for the ‘Accessories Menu’ in ‘All Programs’.
Else, in windows 8 and 10, directly search the term Remote Desktop Connection.
5. Click on the app for Remote Desktop Connection to open the pop-up window.
6. In there, if you wish to adjust settings like audio, additional hardware devices, screen size, find one of the two: ‘Options’ or ‘Show Options’.
This is an optional step before you establish the actual connection with the server.
7. In the pop-up window, against ‘Computer’ put in the IP address of the Windows server that is hosting the desktop access.
IP address is the preferable input but username can also be used instead.
To log into the host server, username will be used instead of IP address.
8. Finally, click ‘Connect’ or ‘Start’ in the bottom right corner.
9. Now a Windows login pops up which requires a password. Enter the password.
Now the remote desktop has established the desired connection and can access the server in Windows.
Installing RDP and VPN on a system is the only requirement to set up a desktop for remotre access. Once done, simply enter IP address and password, if required and the user has complete access to any server stored data.