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Know Your Software Products Before Developing It

What is a software product? This article will help you in articulating your strategy for software development; the points mentioned will tickle your brain again and again when you will be trying to make your software products or applications. To answer major questions for software development, here we are trying to give you glimpse which will be very helpful for beginners and small companies. 

Understanding your product

i)  Its potential to help users: Most developers build applications according to their own thoughts rather than seeing the actual potential and its features which can help your users. Always start small and ask prospects what they want to achieve with this kind of software and then develop accordingly. 

ii)  Amount of help provided in relation to cost of product: You should always measure the benefits intensity of your software which user will actually receive when the price you are asking is compared with the value of software. Ex. If you ask for $19 for building an automatic & beautiful company profile page by accepting inputs from the user, the price is not much but if your software is not giving any real value to your customer, as company profile making is just a onetime work and also all the inputs are coming from user and your application is just arranging it, this negligible price will not seem worthy of spending. 

iii)  Acceptable in latest technological trends: Your software should be in accordance to people, & should accept latest trends of technology. It should be affordable and easily usable. Ex: If you try to sell a Black & White application or a contact safer, it may be difficult as you are trying to sell which nobody buy these days as it is available for free everywhere. 

iv)  Competitors’ analysis: Understanding competitors and their product is always good but you need to find out the user value in the product and not just the software overview. Try to find out why customers are paying for their software. But keep in mind you should not make a similar or copied product as it is difficult to overcome the competition and also original work has its own value. 

v)  USP (Unique Selling Preposition): Make something unique in your software product which can be featured as USP. Work on user experience or something else which have value in eyes of the users not just yours. 

The points only emphasize on the development part because, if the product is inferior then it is very difficult to sell and even if you succeed in making some sales, it becomes very difficult to reach your ROI and breakeven point. 

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Ankit Mathur

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