Employee engagement is said to be implemented in an organization when an employee is self motivated and positively engaged to his or her work, which can also influence his or her colleagues, superiors, subordinates and others who are working with an organization to achieve the organizational goals efficiently and effectively.
Employee engagement also refers to the commitment level of an employee towards an organization’s mission, vision and values. A highly engaged employee is more aware about the business conditions, and works with more enthusiasm to improve his or her job performance for the benefit of the organization and will consistently deliver beyond expectations.In other words, it is a positive attitude which an employee holds towards an organization.
Employee engagement is very important in an organization because fun and change is very necessary for the employee and it is also helpful in team building, creates belongingness towards an organization and motivates other employees as well.
Now-a-days, attrition is one of the biggest challenge for an HR manager. Level of attrition beyond the normal range in any organization can have a direct impact on an organization effectiveness and efficiency. To keep your company's attrition rate low it is important to ensure that your employees are happy and this can be achieved by applying employee engagement in your organization. In other words, employee engagement reduces the attrition rate and increases the productivity, efficiency and profitability of the organization.
If you want to have fully engaged, highly motivated, and highly committed employees in your organization then you can apply few employment engagement program in your organization which are as follows:
Always assist and support your employees in achieving their work and career goals by identifying their training needs.
Provide equal opportunities for growth and advancement to all the employees.
Proper job description should be given to the employees so that it can help an employee to increase his or her effectiveness on the job.
Take an effort to recognize your employees, by giving them best performer awards (monthly or quarterly).
Being a part in good and bad times of employees. This will create a sense of belongingness among them within an organization and he will feel that there is someone to take care of him in his bad times.
Have all of your channels open for communications with your employees. Don’t shield them from news of success and failures.
Create a positive work culture, avoid harmful politics and non-progressive grouping.
Make sure that employees have all the resources they need for performing their work.
Celebrate birthdays, promotions, retirements, newcomers welcoming, etc. There are plenty of important moments where employees can be put at the front of the organization.
You can arrange a pot lunch. Everyone in the team should prepare one special dish from home and have lunch together.
You can organize a thank you program, wherein every employee will vote thanks in a secret ballot and the most thanked employee can be nominated as a winner.
In today’s world, employee engagement is rapidly gaining popularity and impacts organizations in many ways. Employee engagement is important for any organization that seeks to retain their valued employees.
It can be conclusively said that an organization must take an initiative for engaging their employees. If organizations have engaged employees, it will help them to achieve their mission, vision and values. The ball is in the court of organization; they can increase and maintain employee engagement with perfect combination of time, effort, commitment and investment.