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Creating VPS through a Virtualizor Software in a Dedicated Server

As we all know that virtualizor is a powerful web-based VPS (Virtual Private Server) Control Panel. Users can arrange and operate VPS on servers with a single click. It supports OpenVZ, Xen PV, Xen HVM, XenServer, Proxmox, Virtuozzo, LXC, and Linux KVM virtualization. VPS users can open, stop, reopen, and manage their VPS using very advanced web-based GUI.

Now I'm going to tell you how to create VPS (Virtual Private Server) through virtualizor software in a dedicated server.

Installing SoftaculousVirtualizor for Linux-KVM

  • CentOS 5.x / 6.x / 7.x / 8.x (Beta) or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x / 6.x or Scientific Linux 5.x / 6.x or Ubuntu 12.04 or Ubuntu 14.04 or Ubuntu 16.04(x86_64)

  • yum / apt-get

  • Storage to form the VPS (DomUs) disks


  1. KVM module doesn't support 32-bit OS. If you want to install KVM then please install a 64-bit Operating system.

  2. KVM module needs VT to approve the BIOS to be loaded.

  3. We strongly recommend you make the bridge permanent. Guide – Making the bridge permanent.

  4. If you are using Ubuntu 18.04, please go through the following guidelines for making KVM bridge: KVM Bridge on Ubuntu 18.04.

Follow all below given steps for the further process:

Step 1: Take control of the hardware server.

Step 2: Now download and Install virtualizor.

  • wget http://files.virtualizor.com/install.sh

  • chmod 0755 install.sh

  • ./install.sh email=your@email.com kernel=kvm (put any email address)

Step 3: Now you have to Reboot the server (# init 6)

Step 4: Restart the virtualizor service on the server after a reboot.

# /etc/init.d/virtnetwork restart ——> in centos 6

# service libvirtd restart ——> in centos 7

Step 5: Check and keep the network interface for the server

  • Start Virtualizor in the browser.

  • Go to network interface name.

  • Now go to the network interface.

  • Click on the master setting.

  • Save the configuration.

Step 6: Now click on the Done.

Step 7: After this Check firewall service and enable virtualizor port.

# service iptables stop ( For centos 6)

# Systemctl stop firewalld.service (For centos7)

How to Create VPS on KVM Virtualizor

Create Storage

First, you need to create storage for the creation of VPS (virtual private server). Here before creating any VMs, it requires to define your storage. Open Virtualizor and navigate to Virtualizor Admin Panel. Go to the Storage & click on the Add Storage.

Now you will see the following wizard in the image:

Virtualizor Add Storage

Fill all the details and define the storage.

NOTE: If you are using RAID setup on your server, please create the VG from RAID disks (e.g. /dev/md1) and not from the actual disks (e.g. /dev/sda1).

Please note that disk names can be different as per your setup, the above explanation is just for an example.

Create IP pool

Before creating any VMs, it requires to define your IP Pool.

Open Virtualizor and navigate to Virtualizor Admin Panel. Go to the IP pool & create an IP pool.

Virtualizor IP Pool

Now I'm describing step for creating new VPS.

Check the Memory, Space, Load (should be less than 9) of the server where you require to create new VPS.

Follow all below given steps for the further process:

Step 1: Now login into virtualizor.

Step 2: After that create or select a user account.

  • If you are a new user then fill the user Email id, Password, first name, and last name in the user details.

  • If you are already an existing user then select user_name in the user field.

Step 3: Select the Operating system.

  • If you want to create Linux then select the Operating system under the Operating_system option.

  • If you want to create windows then select the Operating system under ISO option.

Step 4: Put the hostname of the server. (e.g :- oxtrys.XYZ.com)

Step 5: Now, set the VPS root password. (Optional)

Step 6: After that assign the free IP address.

Step 7: Enter server specification amount (As per customer plan)

  • Disk Space (e.g. 20 GB) and select appropriate HDD.

  • Guaranteed RAM(e.g. 4000 MB)

  • Swap RAM (as per requirement but we are set to Zero)

  • Bandwidth (e.g. 1000 GB)

  • Network Speed (0 for unlimited)

  • CPU Units (e.g. 1024 units)

  • CPU Cores (e.g. 4)

  • CPU percentage (e.g. 40%)

Step 8: Click on the option VNC. (Must)

Step 9: In the under-network setting:

  • Click on the option Bandwidth suspend.

  • Virtual Network Interface Type (Intel E1000 for Rabale and Realtek 8139 for rest of all)

  • DNS Name servers ( &&

Step 10: In the under Advanced option:

  • Disk caching (write back)

  • OS Reinstall Limit (0 for unlimited)

Step 11: After following all the steps select to add a virtual server.

Final Word

Finally, you can easily create VPS through a Virtualizor Software in a Dedicated Server by the above-mentioned steps. If you have any problems or doubts about any of the steps in this article, please ask without any hesitation.

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Sanjana Negi

"A dedicated content writer, with a strong emotional intelligence."

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